This book will develop interest in artwork as it allows the children to enjoy making lines, figures and pictures by simply joining dots. They acquire good hand practice and understanding of how things...
This book contains bigger pictures and shapes that result as the children join dots. This will provide more practice and confidence to draw. The children will enjoy filling colours in...
The children will learn to draw circles, zigzag lines and curves in this book. They will practice these skills by making big pictures by joining dots. There are many figures...
The children will work through the dots in this book joining to form different twists, turns and patterns. They will learn to draw various pictures and build good coordination of...
This book provides ample opportunity to revise and enhance skills developed so far. It enables the child to develop a free hand, imagination and interest that combine all to produce...
It is full of puzzles and simple to solve the exercises. Designed to systematically develop a student(s) problem solving strategies and logically approach towards gaining familiarity with mathematics.ISBN : 978-969-509-018-4No. of Pages: 48