There is plenty of drawing practice in this book. It requires the children to draw objects using very simple 3 step approach. The young learners will get a lot of...
All activities in this book help to revise the skills learnt in the previous books. There are ample exercises that build confidence and provide practice. The children will draw shapes...
This book intelligently uses the skills developed through previous books to take learners further. It offers tracings, drawing and colouring exercises using various shapes. Similarly, shapes are also involved in...
This book also contains different shapes, drawing, colouring, paper craft activities, and cutting, pasting, decorating, thumb painting and beads craft work. The idea behind all these interesting exercises is to...
This book provides a lot of tracing and drawing practice. The children will develop an understanding how lines and shapes are used to make different pictures. There is lot of...
This last book of the series helps a child to learn basic drawing skills. There are complex objects,that develop the ability to translate a mental image into visual forms. These benefits will be gained by children as...
The children will learn new trends in colouring as they colour more complicated objects in this book. It uses sharp and contrasting combinations which also makes the various shapes of...
This book provides guidance to art lovers. The children will colour and learn to draw complicated shapes and forms. This book is ideal to increase young childrens interest in observing...
The children will learn different strokes, 3D shapes and colour shades in this book. It includes activities that require to draw in steps as shown and also observing a figure...
Gaba Let(s) Play With Colour Part I ISBN : 978-969-509-687-1 No. of Pages: 32
This book provides ample opportunity to revise and enhance skills developed so far. It enables the child to develop a free hand, imagination and interest that combine all to produce...
The children will work through the dots in this book joining to form different twists, turns and patterns. They will learn to draw various pictures and build good coordination of...