This book teaches to draw shapes and figures using lines. The children will learn to draw a variety of objects with the help of these lines and shapes. There is...
The children will continue their previous practice but with a sense of more independence. Here the coloured model picture on the left top corner and its linear structure in the...
This book has been approved by the Ministry of Education and provides complete coverage of the syllabus prescribed by them. The topics have been graded in such a manner that students will...
New Active Science book 4 has been reviewed and approved by the Ministry of Education, they recommended it for English medium schools all over Pakistan. The language used in it is very...
This book provides complete coverage of syllabus as approved by Ministry of Education. The content area has been made interesting by illustrations. The students will learn science and see its...
This book has been approved by the Ministry of Education for its completeness of syllabus for class 2 of all English medium schools. Its a vibrantly illustrated outlook and comprehensive text will help learning...
This book has been designed and written with the objective to provide complete coverage of the syllabus prescribed for first class by Ministry of Education. The lively illustrations make learning...
جدید عملی سائنس تیسری جماعت کے لیے ISBN No= 978-969-509-629-1
جدید عملی سائنس پہلی اور دوسری جماعت کے لیے ISBN NO= 978-969-509-628-4
اس کتاب میں بھی بچّوں کو سائنسی تصّورات سے روشناس کرانے کے لئے مشاہدات اور تجربات کی مدد لی گئی ہے۔ اس میں بچّےرنگین تصویروں کی مدد سے جانوروں، پودوں اور...
اس کتاب کی اہم خصوصیت یہ ہے کہ سائنس کی تدریس کے لئے انکشافی طریقہ اختیار کیا گیا ہے تاکہ طلباء اسَباق زبانی یاد کرنے کے بجائے اپنے ذاتی مشاہدات...